The Ladies Room

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Terri Seymour of Seymour Products

Hi Terri. Tell us about your business. What do you offer? When did you start?
My name is Terri Seymour and I have been online for several years trying to find my niche. I have started several online businesses, each one doing better than the last as I learned more and gained more confidence. My story proves that if you are persistent and keep on trying, you can succeed.

My first online venture was a craft/gift site called Nature's Touch. I was very inexperienced then and thought all I had to do was put up a website to make money. I have since learned of course, that this is very far from the truth. With my present business, I do see that many beginners still make this mistake.

This site did not seem to fill my need so I joined with a reputable company and tried my hand at MLM. I loved the products, but soon found this was definitely not what I was looking for, so I started my own site, called Web Success Central, an internet marketing site that provided resources, advertising, etc. I did quite well but then because of circumstances in my life, I had to sell.

As soon as I was able, I started another business called My Own Ezine. "MOE" was very successful and I was rolling along fairly well. I wrote and submitted articles, networked on groups and boards, got listed in every directory I could find and published a very successful ezine. I loved "MOE", but it felt like there was still something lacking. I wanted to be able to do more than just internet marketing.

So my husband and I started another business called Seymour Products. We found a couple of good suppliers, and got started. We offer business and home resources. I was able to expand into home decorating, and other areas I have always been interested in. With Seymour Products, we offer others a chance to become a success as well. I love working closely with our distributors and feel totally fulfilled with the personal contact and commitment that goes along with Seymour Products.

I think one of the things that has been a huge help in our success is our personal closeness and commitment to our customers, distributors, visitors. I deal with each one as if they were one of my closest friends (and a lot of them are) I find that the internet opens so many possibilities, it is mind boggling.

Seymour Products is definitely my last stop on the internet because it fulfills everything I have always wanted in a business.

Do you have any recent news, products, a new launch, freebies, etc.
We recently made available our new ebook - How to Market Your Home Business - Offline vs. Online. This ebook has hundreds of resources, ideas, tips and more to help you build your home business online and offline. We are continually adding new ebooks in our ebook store as well, where ebooks are only $1.00 and come with resell rights.

What are your absolute favorite products or resources you can't live without in your business (or have helped you the most)?
I have used many products, resources and such through the years but none of them really stick out. I know Yahoo has been an invaluable tool for me both now and when I first started out. I don't use a lot of programs so most of my work is done manually. If I could find a good article submitter, that would be great!

Note from Nicole: Check out this service, Terri. :)

What's your best advice for someone just starting out in online business (getting traffic, article marketing, networking, etc.)?

Remember this: You can do it if you do not give up! When I first started, I did not even know how to turn the computer on. This was over 10 years ago but I did not give up. If one business did not fulfill all my dreams, I tried another. Do not think if you fail in one business that you will fail in all. A business has to be like a spouse - it can only be a complete success with the right one!

Find more articles by Terri at LadyPens.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Free Article Marketing Distribution Tips

I also wanted to let you know about two services that will absolutely speed up your article distribution process. If you're like me, the process of submitting articles to bunches of article directories can be ... well, a huge PAIN.

I currently use this distribution service to distribute my articles. They send my article out to over 20,000 publishers and I don't have to lift a finger to do it. I've been using them for about a year, and really have enjoyed the results.

However, I'm planning to test the results of this new article distribution service as well - Article Marketer It's even less expensive, and they really seem to have their act together, so I'll let you know how my little experiment goes.

Best wishes, and have a great week!

Free Reprint Easter Articles

Tip of the day:

Holiday articles are HOT HOT HOT!

Grab some of these free reprint Easter articles for your website or blog, or submit yours today.

You'll get exposure this Easter -- and Easters for years to come.


Saturday, April 08, 2006

Nicole MacKenzie of MacKenzie Responsive Parenting Method

Hi Nicole. Tell us about your business. What do you offer? When did you start?

I am a mother of six and have been leading parenting seminars for over 15 years. My passion is developing methods to help parents bring out the brilliance in their children - to maintain curiosity and vitality, plus have fun and satisfaction while raising their children. I developed a system called the MacKenzie Responsive Parenting Method based on my years of research in the field of human potential plus my experiences with raising my own children.

My method is based on the universal principles of teamwork, mutual respect, honest communication, non-judgmental awareness and curiosity. It emphasizes consistent discipline without punishment which children actually love and thrive under.

Another thing I insist upon is that Mom and Dad have fun in the parenting process. I believe it is an essential ingredient in effective parenting.

As a side effect of my method, children develop a strong emotional intelligence (often called EQ or EI). Studies in the last decade have shown that EQ is by far the single strongest predictor of future adult success in all aspects of life – far more important than traditional IQ!

In 2002 I wrote a parenting book describing my method, "Parenting Rule #1: Mom Has Fun!" I also offer a parenting audio CD and video. I've had a website for many years although it never generated any sales until recently. In March, 2005 we gave our website a much needed "face-lift" and gradually ventured into the world of internet marketing...

We started by sending an eblast to a friends list. That worked well, so we created an e-book version of our hard-copy book and built a second mini-site that was devoted only to promoting and selling the e-book version. Next we created a multi-part e-Class to offer people as a free gift, got an autoresponder to manage the emails (Note: LadyPens recommends the autoresponder at , and started building our first email address list. For advertising we dipped our toes into the world of Google pay-per-click with a whopping budget of $1 a day! Everything was hooked up to PayPal to collect the payments and then we set up an auto-delivery system to send out the e-book and free bonuses. This was launched in late June 2005.

I must admit it was quite a thrill to sell that very first e-book. To have a customer order, pay, and take delivery without having to "do" anything is totally addicting! Since then we've expanded pay-per-click advertising, started sending out regular monthly newsletters, enrolled in ClickBank to get affiliates, traded bonuses with joint venture partners, set up reciprical links with sites we love, and submitted articles to several article banks (including LadyPens of course!).

Our internet business is now growing steadily, but that's not really the best part. The most exciting thing is knowing that my parenting method is helping parents all around the world raise responsible cooperative kids and have fun in the process. I have affiliates and link partners in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa; I send e-newsletters to Egypt, Sri Lanka, India and Finland just to name a few. Being able to reach so many people in such far-away places was totally inconceivable to me before starting internet marketing. I truly appreciate every single person that is part of my new internet community and am deeply gratified by the opportunity to assist them.

Do you have any recent news, products, a new launch, freebies, etc.

We have a free newsletter plus a free e-Class that helps parents set rules and consequences for their kids. Using MacKenzie Responsive Parenting to establish discipline without punishment quickly reduces stressful parent-child power struggles, whining, and tantrums. Visit to enroll.

What are your absolute favorite products or resources you can't live without in your business (or have helped you the most)?

A sequential autoresponder (like aweber) for our newsletters and mailings, pay-per-click advertising (like Google and Yahoo) for traffic, an affiliate program (like ClickBank) for helping others sell our ebook, and Skype for talking free (or very cheaply) over the internet to our friends and associates all around the world.

What's your best advice for someone just starting out in online business (getting traffic, article marketing, networking, etc.)?

Create a service for people that has real value and is something you personally are totally passionate about. If you don't love it and would do it regardless of the money, you won't have the energy and comittment to see you through. Don't be discouraged if you're not an overnight internet success story. Take small steps, go at your own pace and just keep steadily building your online business.

Remember that quality content is more important than worrying about making things pretty. People will quickly tire of fluff and hype, but will become your loyal raving fans if you can really assist them in reaching their goals.

And don't be shy about 'tooting your own horn' and getting the word out about what you have to offer. But get started right away - do something!

Check out Nicole's awesome articles at LadyPens.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Betty Lynch of My Country Kitchen

Tell us about your business. What do you offer? When did you start?

My Country Kitchen is a menu planning service for the busy person. We prepare 7 main dishes, 7 side dishes, snacks and a dessert and deliver the menu, recipes and grocery list to your email box every Thursday evening. I started My Country Kitchen in August, 2005

Do you have any recent news, products, a new launch, freebies, etc.

My Country Kitchen has free articles, Watkins products, recipes, pet recipes just waiting for you. We add new recipes often, so keep checking back.

What are your absolute favorite products or resources you can't live without in your business (or have helped you the most)?

My online friends who are so knowledgably about online business. I've learn so much just reading people's posts.

What's your best advice for someone just starting out in online business (getting traffic, article marketing, networking, etc.)?

My advice would be to network with others, write articles, give away freebies. People do business with people they know.

Grab some of Betty's articles at

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Free Article Marketing Call

Kelly McCausey of WAHMTalkRadio and I held a live call on Monday and answered 10 of your Top Article Marketing questions. We had a great time, shared lots of information, and we recorded it so you can listen in.

The call recording is available online for a limited time and we've included our notes, as well.

Grab the free call recording and our notes here:

Let me know if you have any questions!